
row of red roses

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Simply put, this is a collection of original short stories by myself. Some have been improved by feedback from early readers, and for their help I give thanks. My goal is to eventually have them published in hard copy, for as many people to enjoy as possible.

The stories are erotic, which is defined as: arousing or satisfying sexual desire.
They are fantasy, which is defined as: the imagined or conjured up sequence of events.

The people and the events are all imagined, and have all been created for the sake of the stories.

Each person is an individual, with varied tastes, ideas and fantasies. As a result, no two stories are the same, and are as diverse as the reader. Nothing here is intended to offend, rather to simply amuse and hopefully arouse, excite and stimulate both your imagination and your lives.

As with any author, I appreciate hearing how you enjoyed my stories. All feedback directly left on the site is completely anonymous, so feel free to leave some, be it praise, a correction, or even a suggestion for a future story. You are also welcome to email directly at abigailsfantasies@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting and enjoy,


New, Added a music player with a selection of relaxing music to read to.

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single long stem red rose with pearl inside the flower with lose red rose petals scattered around
single red rose
